Cork Popper Kit For Panfish

Cork Popper Kit For Panfish
This kit takes all the guess work out of creating the perfect panfish popper! The kit contains one dozen corks perfectly sized for creating a classic panfish popper and a dozen appropriately sized kinked shank popper hooks.
Although not necessary, these cork popper bodies can be custom shaped if desired. You can paint them, tint them with permanent markers even add legs through the body. Add your tail dressing of choice and your ready to go.
While I enjoy coloring up the poppers I tie, I will always leave some with the natural cork finish. This is often overlooked by anglers, but a natural cork poppers works extremely well and saves you a ton of time at the vise. Although they may not be pretty to look at they do work! Give them a try! Take a look bass down below if you still have doubts!
12 Cork Bodies
12 Kinked Shank Popper Hooks
These corks can be fished as is in a natural state, painted or colored with permanent markers. Permanent markers are quick and easy alternative to paint to create the perfect popper. The color created by using permanent markers will not chip away like paint. After coloring your cork popper seal the color in with Loon Soft Head Clear and when dry top it off with Solarez Thin or Bone Dry to create a great looking, bomb proof popper that will stand up to dozens

Simple Cork Poppers colored with permanent markers and given a coat of UV Resin. A quick and easy way to create simple but effective poppers.

These cork poopers can be primed and painted for a clean looking finish, but using permanent markers and UV resin lets the natural features of the cork show throw providing some interesting effects that can’t be duplicated with paint.

Plain old cork works too!